Happy New Year, 2013 is an Awesome Number

I am not going to lie, I kind of hate New Year’s Eve. So much expectation and pressure, it always makes me want to stay home in my sweats, which is actually what I usually end up doing. This year I somehow convinced myself that it would be fun to make some sort of plan, hang out with a few people and of course the original plan fell through. As usual. As is the case with NYE. But the second plan that is unfolding now seems pretty rad. An old friend, a new crowd, dinner and drinks and that sort of thing. I am looking forward to it and even more so for this year to be over. 2012 was not an easy year for a lot of people from what I can garner, myself included. It was filled with a lot of wonderful things but equally a lot of painful events and disappointment, which is essentially life I suppose. The photo above is from my train ride from Rhinebeck back into the city yesterday. I know it’s not very festive but I still like it. No, love it. It actually makes me happy. New Year’s always brings out the Russian in me, a little melancholy, a little hopeful and a lot of over texting… Happy New Year lovelies! It’s going to be an exciting year! Sundance is around the corner…xox

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