Brice Marden’s Grove Group III 1973, Above
The art scene in LA is an ongoing topic and either inspires you or gets your blood and heart pumping, in good ways and bad. I am of the mindset that LA is full of amazing artists, burgeoning energy to rival Dumbo AND Berlin, and therefore one of the most relevant and exciting art scenes in the world to be a part of. The only surprise in my mind is why it took gallerists like Marks so long to figure it out… That said, I am so excited to have his gallery, scheduled to open in Winter of 2011, on the West Coast. One of the things I miss most about my hometown of NYC (aside from those addictive vegetarian meatballs at RICE… David, why is there no left coast outpost??!!) is playing hooky from a day of meetings and walking silently through Chelsea. (And if I can interject here, my horror that Empire Diner has shut its doors, along with their Bluecheese Lentil Burger… awful news…)
More of Marks’ talented roster below…
Terry Winters’ Display Linkage 2005, Above
Andreas Gursky’s Thein II 1999, Below
Nayland Blake’s Untitled 2000, Below
And Nan Goldin’s legendary photo, that launched countless somber fashion shoots, Nan And Brian in bed, NYC 1983, also below…