Priscilla Ahn, When You Grow Up

This MP3 was found at Dilandau MP3

Priscilla Ahn‘s second album “When You Grow Up” hits stores on May 3rd. She has a beautiful ethereal melancholic sound I am drawn to. A childlike sadness that permeates through some of the music and lyrics. I love it. She’s been getting a lot of play on KCRW recently which is awesome. These are shots I styled and photographed of her a couple of years ago for WWD around the time her first album came out. We had a quick bite to eat before the shoot at Eat Well on Santa Monica Boulevard which is where this was shot, in the alley right behind the diner. It was one of my favorite low budget locations because I lived right on that corner up until recently. Over lunch Priscilla told me about her sister and the small town she grew up in and how she came to LA and worked as a waitress. I had pitched her for our music issue but can’t remember if the shoot or write up ever ran now that I think about it. If that alley wall could talk… “Dream” above is from her first album A Good Day, the title track from her new one is after the jump here…

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